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Configuration API


To change any of these options:
Add cfg.theVariable = value at the top of your build.nim file.


This list might not be fully in sync.
Refer to @confy/cfg.nim if something is not quite right.

import confy
# General
cfg.verbose = off ## Makes the cli output information completely verbose. (for debugging)
cfg.quiet = on ## Makes the cli output information to be as minimal as possible. (for cleaner cli output) (default: on)
cfg.fakeRun = off ## Everything will run normally, but commands will not really be executed if set to `on`.
cfg.cores = 0.8 * cores ## Total cores to use for compiling. (default = 80% of max)
cfg.prefix = "confy: " ## Prefix that will be added at the start of every command output. = " : " ## Tab that will be added at the start of every new line belonging to the same message.
# Folders
cfg.rootDir = build/".." ## Assumes the build.nim file output is stored inside root/bin/, so going back one gets to `REPO/*`
cfg.srcDir = rootDir/"src" ## Root Folder where source code files are searched for first (source code root)
cfg.binDir = rootDir/"bin" ## Root Folder where files will output (binary output root)
cfg.libDir = rootDir/"lib" ## Root Folder where libraries are stored
cfg.docDir = rootDir/"doc" ## Root Folder where the documentation files will go
cfg.examplesDir = rootDir/"examples" ## Root Folder where the examples for the project are stored
cfg.testsDir = rootDir/"tests" ## Root Folder that contains the test suite of the library/project
cfg.cacheDir = binDir/".cache" ## Subfolder where the compilation cache data is output
cfg.zigDir = binDir/".zig" ## Subfolder where the zig binaries will be stored
# Files
cfg.file = "build.nim" ## File used for storing the builder config/app. Searched for @`srcDir/cfg.file`
cfg.zigJson = zigDir/"versions.json" ## Zig download index json file. Will be created when the ZigCC binaries are downloaded.
# Compilation
## Flags (see confy/flags.nim for details)
cfg.flagsC = cfg.flags(C) ## C : Preset Flags object for all warnings and errors active
cfg.flagsCpp = cfg.flags(Cpp) ## C++ : Preset Flags object for all warnings and errors active

## Other options
cfg.Cstr = "CC" ## Prefix used for formatting the quiet output calls to the Compiler.
cfg.Lstr = "LD" ## Prefix used for formatting the quiet output calls to the Linker.
cfg.zigcc.systemBin = off ## Uses the System's ZigCC path when on, without downloading a new version from the web.

## Nim-specific = "nim" ## Binary to call when running nim operations.
cfg.nim.backend = "c" ## Builds nim applications with this backend. Will be `nim {backend} thefile.nim`

### Nim-unsafe options for ZigCC
cfg.nim.unsafe.functionPointers = off ## Builds nim applications with the `-Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types` flag